Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Handmade Market

December Show

January Show

My first craft show was in December. I did fairly well selling mostly teacup candles and many candle tins. Then my second show was in January. I sold tons of candle tins and many tea lights. I am on the waiting list for February, and will definitely be in the March show. The craft show is located at the Empty Bottle in Chicago, the second Saturday of the winter months. My second show I got interviewed for a TV show named the Naked Hippo. That was so cool and I hope I see it.

1 comment:

JLC Studio said...

Hi Marcie...I was actually at the January show and bought some tealights and a candle tin and I LOVE them...I have the butterfly (something-don't remember the actual name) scent and it smells SO good!! I'll probably be ordering more soon because I've been burning it every day! Keep up the good work :)
