Friday, January 4, 2008

A New Year

Well It's a new year and my shop has been up and running for a little over 2 months. I have sold 84 items and Etsy admin's published me in a Storque article. Here is the link to check it out:

That was the best Christmas present ever!

I seem to have many more international buyers, which is so wonderful to know my candles are all over the World!

I am now a part of several Etsy groups:
Etsy Friends ( a wonderful group that encourages friendships and promotion through each other and not to mention Every month we have a shop that all proceeds go to a different charity)

Illinois Street Team ( A lower key group but again a great way to meet new people around my hometown!)

Trashion ( Is about visualizing beauty in unconventional objects and materials. What a great way to reuse, recycle, and make it a better place for everyone through art!)

I am really getting to be a workaholic. I work 80 hours plus a week on my at home business. It's crazy. When I am not working I am thinking about working and what I should be doing. Christmas break was really hard being away from my ability to make candles!

1 comment:

Contrariwise said...

Wow. That's great news. Best of luck to you. I love your candles.